Page 1 rankings & organic traffic galore for an ecommerce startup: How we pulled it off

Strong storytelling, user-centric content, along with deep SEO strategies led to 186% rise in organic traffic and ranking of transactional keywords with high buying intent

Content Marketing

Content Strategy

Content Writing



Rise in organic traffic


KWDs ranked on Page 1


Increase in user growth

Idolkart was one of the most successful content marketing projects we delivered in recent times. Working from scratch for a bootstrapped ecommerce company and completely rebuilding the site's content to achieve inbound growth was a phenomenal journey. It proved once again the power of exquisite content, tailored around the customer, and SEO-driven marketing in generating organic ROI.

A quick overview

In the competitive ecommerce landscape, having a strong digital presence is critical for the success of any business, especially a startup. Idolkart is a bootstrap startup specializing in manufacturing and selling religious idols. With a focus on offering unique and high-quality products, they were already an Amazon best-seller in their category. Realizing the potential of the online market, in an otherwise unorganized idol industry, Idolkart aimed at unlocking the potential of their own ecommerce website to build brand awareness and generate sales.

The challenge

Standing out in the industry, generating traffic, and conversions from scratch

Idolkart approached Justwords with the specific goal of increasing brand awareness and driving more traffic to their website. Although the website had content on its product pages, it lacked depth and finesse to convert prospects. With DA below 6 and traffic below 700, we were almost starting from scratch. So the top 3 targets for this ecommerce website was -

  • Create a plan that would generate brand awareness through content marketing
  • Work on improving DA.
  • Increase meaningful traffic flow to the main category pages of the website, from where conversions can get started. This meant, get the keywords of their main products to rank.

The solution

Creating content for top and bottom of the funnel, distribute and earn traffic and rankings

To achieve the above things, the broad roadmap was this -

  • Improve the content across the website
  • Start creating new content that would engage the prospect and attract people to the website
  • Clean up all technical issues of the website and start implementing SEO to achieve the above goals.
  • Improve CRO of the website to aid in conversion.

After a thorough competitor research, and an extensive keyword strategy laid out, we started implementing the following strategies:

  • Creating blogs that target top-of-the-funnel keywords to attract a wide audience. Blog topics were focussed on high-traffic keywords (with low and medium competition) that captured interesting questions and concepts related to various Hindu gods and mythology. These blogs combined the elements of mythology and good storytelling, making them perfect for attracting traffic. At the top of the funnel, we started pulling in traffic.
  • The second plan was to start work on the bottom of the funnel. Hence, we began to work on the category pages. Bottom-of-the-funnel transactional keywords, with their high purchase intent, were integrated at various levels of the content structure. Based on research on what kind of information a buyer wants to consume before he makes a final purchase, we rebuilt the content structure of the product pages. Expert content writers and editors then worked together to craft content that was value driven and functionally great. The team also reworked on the meta titles and descriptions of all category pages to improve click-through rates.

    Attention to detail was the most important element here. That is what makes great product pages. The category and product pages were now ready to rank and convert.

  • Meanwhile, the SEO team was working on identifying and rectifying any technical issues that were hindering the website's performance. This included addressing any gaps in product descriptions, blogs, web pages, and design elements.

    Then started the process of building backlinks that were credible and high authority. With almost every SEO project, we start

    Guest posting played a big part in the overall SEO campaign.

    SEO strategies were implemented to do 2 things - get traffic to the website, and get the category pages to rank for top keywords.

    Overall, we worked on implementing a rich content marketing and SEO campaign. By combining both these strategies, we got the benefits of both strategies - ranking and brand awareness and sales.

The results

The implementation of the above content marketing and SEO strategies yielded significant results for Idolkart. The overall campaign lasted for almost 4 months, but the organic results kept flowing even months after we handed over the campaign to

Ranking of main transactional keywords on Page 1:

Within 3 months, 40% of the total keywords were ranking on Page 1, and 25% on page 2. Given the fact that we had to start from scratch, this was a big feat. Another significant thing was that we managed to rank certain keywords that were transactional in nature, leading to conversions for the client. The ranking of category pages positively impacted the visibility of individual products.

Also, a number of the keywords that ranked held a search volume of 20k. This contributed to increased visibility of the brand, which is great for any new business that wants to earn buyer trust.

Increased brand awareness and website traffic:

By the end of the quarter, the total number of sessions on the Idolkart website had increased 186%. The quick rise in organic traffic was due to content marketing strategies that combined meticulously planned content, quality backlinking and content promotion. This was extremely important for brand recognition and getting more first time customers into the top of the funnel.

Increase domain authority:

At the start of our engagement, DA was just 6, like any new website. At the end of 4 months, this touched 19, a result of successful implementation of a guest posting campaign and high-quality backlinking.

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