Unlocking content marketing channels for quick organic traffic growth for national news site focused on property

A pan-India newspaper wanted Justwords to help them grow organic traffic at a high speed but at a short time interval. Here is how we did it.

Content Marketing

Content Strategy

Content Writing



organic traffic growth on news section


growth in blog traffic done by Justwords


organic keywords increased

A quick overview

Our client, a news site focussed on property, works on an advertising-based revenue model. This also means, the website is constantly dependent on a steady flow of traffic.

This meant having a steady production of content across the year. More content would lead to more traffic to the website, and hence attracting more advertisers.

While the client already had a content team producing a steady volume of content, traffic on the website was not growing. Our client knew content was the backbone of the project and they were also aware that something was wrong in the entire flow.

They wanted a partner who could explain to them what was wrong, show them how to do it right. Also, they mostly had no idea of what was content marketing.

Why Justwords worked for our client?

  • We had a rich industry experience in content that spanned across 13 years
  • We had top-notch writers
  • We were content marketing champs – meaning we not only created content, but also had the expertise to use that content to grow traffic.
  • We had the ability to scale content quickly

The challenges

When this client contacted us, they had two problems which they wanted us to solve -

  1. What kind of content was needed to get more visitors on the website?
  2. How could we work out a plan where the content created would go on to fetch more organic traffic to the website.

Also, they needed to boost their organic traffic within a very short span of time, which means they need an aggressive strategy through which results would start showing immediately.

Post analysis, we flagged off a few problems that had to be solved.

  1. a. Firstly, the kind of content that was getting created was not up to the mark. It was more volume and less quality. The articles were too short, and were not covering the topic in detail. In short, there was no value being offered in the article. It was just content being written for the sake of filling up the content publication schedule.

This was an approach that simply would not work.

  1. Secondly, there was no reasoning as to why a topic was being picked, or why a topic should not be picked. Topics were basically being selected randomly.
  2. Thirdly, the content was not optimised. There were no keywords that were being used, no meta titles or descriptions created, no images used, no proper structure being defined.
  3. Also, the content design in the website was extremely bad. It was just published as a bunch of text, all set together. There were no breaks, no sub titles, no images, no spaces. Basically, once the created was created and published, no one really cared of whether it was being read. The UX was badly designed, without space for images or linkage to other stories.
  4. Lastly, for organic traffic to flow in, you needed the content to rank. You needed to promote the content. That was not happening. There was no content strategy in place to rank the content and increase organic traffic.

Main goals

  • Increase organic traffic to the site through content marketing
  • Understand what was going wrong in content and fix it.
  • Match the competitor’s performance

The solutions

The Justwords team got started with building the right content strategy and approach.

We followed our well-honed four-step process of research, content strategy creation, content production, and distribution.

Here is how we went about it.

  • Doing a deep dive analysis of competitors

    The Justwords team always starts with indepth research. This helped us analyse the competition and find the strategies they were using to draw in the traffic. The research also helped us discover loads of keywords that we could target with new content. It also showed us the gaps in content that was already produced, for eg, most articles that were published were not written from the SEO stand point, keyword research had been totally missing etc.

  • Implement a strong content marketing campaign

    We went ahead with a two-pronged approach.

    1. Firstly, we refurbished old content which was already ranking for certain keywords, but not at the top. We also found blogs which were not ranking for the right keywords. For eg, if you have a blog which has been written on how to buy farmhouses, and its ranking for farmhouse maintenance, then make sure you add content for the right keyword, and try to make it for the right keyword.
    2. We started finding keyword opportunities that would lead to high-volume traffic and create content that would help the user get all his questions answered. We started creating content in the long format, along with infographics, and started targeting all the keywords related to the topic. Keyword clusters were also identified and subtopics were also created to create a good linkage effect.
  • Large scale content creation with SEO and customer query in mind

    The whole projected required a large volume of content to be created. The focus, however, was always on length and quality. The team always focussed on creating content that was indepth and covered as many question that could be found related to the topic. In short, the idea was to make it so exhaustive that you beat out the competition for the same topic.
    Every month, we created a list of topics that had a good potential to rank and get us traffic. We used our tried and tested Content Performance Formula to create the brief for the writing team to follow. The brief would cover the right mix of keywords that had to be used, the structure, and the content mapping. This is used consistently in all our content marketing campaigns and has led to successful results almost every time.
    We also worked with the client to get the overall look and feel of the news section revamped so that readability was improved. This would also reduce bounce rates.

  • Content promotion

    Once the content was published, we focussed on promoting and distributing the content. This was primarily based on building quality and relevant high-quality links from websites that had good domain authority.

Need SEO-powered content marketing to drive your revenue? Ask us

We often ask our clients how they would define Justwords as an agency? There is one thing common to all answers – Justwords gets what we want, spends time to understand our business and takes whatever it is to get it right. And that is exactly right. That is also exactly what makes us different from other marketing agencies. As your content partner or your digital marketing partner, we want to help you do better business.

Justwords has been delivering results since 2010, and we have built a successful framework that combines the 3 pillars of content, SEO and content marketing.

Want to see what we can do for you, try out any of our content, digital marketing or content marketing services.

Discover how we can help your website grow by contacting us today.

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