15 Content Marketing Trends that are Working in 2022 and will Stay On

Each year brings new trends and a lot is written about content marketing trends as the year begins. Same for 2022. The best marketers are those who improve their content marketing strategy by being aware of the content marketing trends, exploring them and then adapting to what works for their business and target audience. As we approach the mid of the year, we decided to do blog on what are the current content marketing trends that are worth adapting through this year and are likely to stay on for some time.

Ofcourse, your content marketing strategy will finally be dependent on which industry you belong to, what services you sell, your business type. But here are some broad 15 content marketing latest trends that have been working and should be a part of your marketing mix, sometime this year. These 15 trends will also offer the answer to the question many of us think about and that is – “how to improve content marketing for my business”.

These 15 content marketing trends are not only relevant for 2022, but will stay relevant for the next few years as well. So let us check out what are the current content marketing trends.

15 Content Marketing Latest Trends for 2022 and Beyond

So here we go. Let us understand what are the latest trends in content marketing? 

#15. Enhance the authority of Content with the 3C framework

The audience is seeking a solution for their already existing problems. The internet is flooded with content that offers them an answer. But who should the audience trust? Want to be trusted by customers? Build authority? The 3C content framework should help you in that. 

i. Clear and Concise Information – You’ll only be able to make the audience happy if you offer them the clear & concise information they are seeking for. If the audience is looking for content marketing trends, provide them with that. Don’t overwhelm your blog with content marketing basics. Don’t give them fluff and generalist concepts which do not help them solve a single problem for them, or allow them a takeaway. Add value, information that helps them do something better with that content. 

ii. Compelling – To keep the reader sticking, the content should focus on the target audience’s pain points. It should specify “What’s in it for me?”. Speak the readers’ language. 

iii. Credible – The content you create must have the power to gain the trust of your audience. You cannot start pitching your product/services right away. Create content for the top of the funnel – the stage in which the buyer is just trying to search for a solution on the internet. This is the first time your content is interacting with him, so it should help give him some kind of answer to the solution he is looking for. If your content can deliver that, you will have made that first impression. From then on, it’s a journey of building that trust. Remember, this is why its pull marketing – you are attracting your buyer through several stages of the buyer’s journey by building trust. 

Follow this 3C content framework, and you should be able to persuade the audience to take some action.


#14. Create to impress people, not the algorithm. Remember Google’s E_A_T 

If you are writing is dictated completely by keywords given by your SEO team and how many times you are stuffing it in your content, then maybe you should watch out. As Google gets more sophisticated about semantics, the usual SEO stuff that dictates content today with become less relevant. Even now, your blog might be attracting the user because its SEO-optimised, but if the reader does not see value in your blog content writing, they will flee, never to come back.  

So then? Always focus on create user-oriented content and answer the questions that the user has searched for. Remember, every customer, especially your target audience has started search with something in mind – he or she is trying to find an answer to something. Hence, try to answer those questions, in as much depth as possible. 

Remember that all search engines, including Google, believe in providing the best customer experience to their users. And so Google does not just reward you for using a keyword in your content, but making that content relevant for your website. Because in that way, Google can give a better experience to its customer. Google rewards content that shows depth of expertise, something that is consistent with its Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness guideline. 

So what can you do?

Write long-format content that explains things in details about a particular topic. Try to link that to a pillar page, which will further establish your authority on the subject. Keywords are important, but let that not dictate your entire content. Focus on authority. 

Handpicked Content: Here is an example of a popular pillar page that we created

#13. The power of valuable content is incredible

Customers get a chance to interact with various content types, but nothing can replace the power of valuable content. Valuable content is content that a person can use and improve some area of his or her life. 

Brands should come up with numerous ways to add value to their customers in any possible way. The best way to do that is to understand what your customer wants and which stage of the buying journey is he at. 

Here are the traits that valuable content typically has. 

i. The content is relevant

The content should answer the questions your buyers are seeking at each stage of the journey. Understand what are the typical questions that a buyer might ask at every stage and what questions can you solve for him or her to convert as a customer. Design your content based on those question, depending on your industry, space, or product/service. 

The best way to create relevant content is to create a buyer persona for your business and find the relevant questions he might have as he sets along searching an answer for his pain point, as he discovers your brand, as he searches for more brands and evaluates your brand against others, and then finally settles down for a purchase.


ii. The content should offer value; should offer value

There is no point filling your blog with content that is generic. Finally your blog should offer some value to your buyer. Whatever business you are in, you can always create content that offers some kind of value. For eg, for one of our clients, which gives loans for two-wheelers, we help the typical buyer understand everything about two-wheelers also. For eg – “the best fuel-efficient two wheelers to buy in 2020”, “Two-wheeler loan or personal loan: which is better when you want to buy a bike?” etc. 

For an ecommerce customer, which sells wooden furniture, we explain to the customer how to spot natural wood, what are the different types of wooden furniture and what you should not buy etc.

The idea is to equip a buyer with every possible information that might be useful for him, and solve the pain point he has set out with.

iii. Clear and authentic content 

When you create content, do not just copy an idea from another blog and rewrite it. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and then think of the questions that he might have and then work on those. Also while working on a blog, do not overcomplicate the concept that you are working on. Make it easy to read and understand, and make sure to break the whole text into as many subheads and pointers as possible. Also do not forget to use visuals as part of the whole story. 

buyer journey questions

What is important is serving the right content at each stage of the Buyer Journey. Through your content, you are moving the buyer through every stage of the buyer journey and pulling him to finally make a purchase. 

#12. Personalized Content a way to reach audiences’ heart

“71% of consumers expect brands and marketers to deliver personalized content. And 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.”

In this digital era, companies are constantly bending over backwards to get the attention of their customers. However, most companies are failing to make adequate impact because of a key reason: not enough focus is being put on customer relationship management. 

Sure enough, other factors may be playing a role here but the fact remains that personalized and targeted marketing is considered by most experts in the field as the core process for ensuring customer retention. 

The reasons behind this are simple: firstly it shows that you care about your customers and you want to know if they find any value in your goods or services. Secondly, it makes them feel engaged and it eventually makes them stick to your content. 

Personalized content helps in building personal relationships between the brand and the consumer. It also helps brands and marketers in getting more clicks, increased engagement on their content and more conversions. 

Research has shown that sales opportunities increase by 20% when customized content is used to nurture leads. That is perhaps why more and more marketers are using personalised content. 

Personalization requires an incredible quantity of data which is free from errors. The more data you have, the more is the chance to build a better connection with your audience. For the initial stage, having the name & email address would suffice; over the course of time, gathering remaining demographics, interests, priorities, and preferences could be provided third-party resources. 

With the existing data, create an email campaign for the customers. Analyse how they respond to your content and do the modifications accordingly. The more they interact with your content, the easier it becomes to sell the product. 

#11. Optimize the Content to stand out among others

If you want your content to rank, and get your traffic and relevant leads, add this to the list of must-do Content Marketing Trends for 2022. Let’s understand this better. 

When a search query is made, Google throws tons of results in front of the user! If your content doesn’t rank for the relevant query made, you’re losing money! That is why you need to optimise your content. The State of Content Marketing 2022 Global Report published by Semrush throws some very interesting facts on content optimisation and its importance. 


As part of the analysis, the Semrush team analysed around 24,000 articles that ranked in the top 10 of Google and found that the ones that ranked high scored a 9 out of 10 in content optimisation.

So what is Content Optimisation?

Very simply put, it is a process that makes sure that the content which has been published is technically sound enough to be found by the search engines algorithm and shown to the right audience. Basically, in order to be found by your audience, you need to rank in the top 10 results of Google, and in order to hit that space, you need to optimise your content for search. This includes using relevant keywords, meta and title tags, the right links, headlines and subheads, the right CTAs, images, etc.  

How to optimise your content? Here is some quick pointers. 

  1. Make sure you are using the right keywords in every article you write. Use tools like Ahrefs or Semrush or Moz, or even Google Keyword Planner to find short tail and long-tail words that have good volume. Make sure you are not always picked the short keywords with the highest volume. Check the difficult score. If it’s too high, focus more on longtail keywords that have good search volume and less competition.
  2. Use semantically related keywords. This means that use keywords that mean the same thing as the main keywords you are using. For example, if you are writing a story on “What is content marketing”, then also include keywords “what is content strategy”, “benefits of content marketing”, “why should you do content marketing” etc. These are all related to the same topic and hence shows Google what is the intent of the article, which it then matches with the user’s search intent. 
  3. Use the proper structure to build your article. Once you have your headline and keywords, try to define the structure. You could also analyse the structures of the articles already ranking and see what they are using as h2, h3 and h4. For this, tools like Fraser, or Outranking helps a lot by instantly showing you what are the top articles that are ranking and what is the structure being used.
  4. Pay attention to technical SEO elements. This means make sure you optimise the title tag, h1 tag, h2 tag and meta description. Also make sure your blog URL is optimised. All this will contribute to your content ranking, so make sure you have done this right.
  5. Make sure you are adding visuals to your content, especially videos. According to the Semrush research, articles with videos drove in 83% more traffic. Also, articles with more than 7 images drive in more traffic than articles with no images. 
  1. Make sure you are hyperlinking to other relevant pages of your website and blogs. This helps Google search bots understand the flow of the website and easily navigate the site. 
  1. Although keyword stuffing should not be done, do not ignore keyword density. Look at competitor articles and see how many times have they used which keywords. This should give you an idea of the keyword density.
  1. Make sure you update your content every six months. Add new keywords, new information, new graphics to get more traffic from the old content. Infact, this is one the easiest ways to increase traffic to the website. 

#10. Be a smart marketer by repurposing the content

Content is a valuable part of any marketing strategy & repurposing the existing content is a smart Content Marketing Trend. Infact, 65% (as per Semrush) marketers, perform an audit of their content twice every year. For those of you who are interested in knowing how to do it, read our detailed blog on how to do content audit. 

You can use the content to build a new audience base, convey your expertise, express your brand voice, etc. 

Content repurposing is a way of reusing one content type into other content types. Usually the new piece of content serves a different purpose from the one you had posted earlier. It is time saving and less-costly Content Marketing Trend that actually works brilliantly.  

How to repurpose the content?

  1. Pick any old post (Choose one with less engagement)
  2. Keep the same context and change the words.
  3. Adapt the content to suit the new content type. For eg, if you are converting a blog into a video, you will need to make it a lot shorter or crisper. Same goes for a carousel post, or possible an ebook or a podcast. The content style will need to change as per the format.

Here are some excellent ways of repurposing content 

i. Change the format –

Reuse blog or pillar page content into a video, listicle, or social media content, carousel posts, or an ebook. Reuse PR copies, videos into a blog etc

ii. Add an update to the old content –
How can you make the piece better today? Add images, latest inputs, videos, infographics etc.

iii. Optimise the old blogs with new keywords

If you see an old blog which has dropped ranking, add relevant content with a smattering of short and long-tail keywords and republish. 

Repurposing the content attracts new audiences, increases your online presence, expands your reach, saves time & effort in creating new content and much more. 

Handpicked Content: 9 best ways to reuse that blog pile in your archive and get more traffic

#9. Build community, not customers base

With millions of businesses out there, you need to stand differently. How will you do that?

By building a community, not a customer base. 

Customers feel more connected & powerful when they are a part of the brand community. The purpose and goal of your content marketing should be to build a strong community to interact. Building a community from scratch is beneficial, but it takes hard effort. 

Create valuable, interactive and engaging content for the customers to build trust & loyalty. 

How to build a community with content? Here are some 6 tips.

  1. Don’t just pitch out your services. Listen to your audience.
  2. Invite your customers to contribute to your content; for example – customer testimonials
  3. Always keep your customer in mind while writing.
  4. Ask for their opinions about your products/services.
  5. Ask them what they want from you.
  6. Engage with them in comments & DMs.

If you observe, then the points mentioned above revolve around a single focus, pay attention to your customers through your content.  

Content formats you can use to develop your community

  • Do webinars that share valuable information and insights and will help the community learn something.
  • Send out weekly newsletters to stay in touch with your community and share content being built by your brand. This will also drive more interaction with your content.
  • Get them involved in your content. Use user-generated content like customer testimonials, case studies, reviews etc, customer stories.
  • Offer free community downloads. This might include premium content pieces like ebooks, case studies, whitepapers, infographics, that is likely to be useful for your audience.

#8. One size doesn’t fit all

Not every piece of content will resonate with each user, so if you constantly deliver the same type of content to your users they will start to get bored. It’s not because of the quality of the content– rather, the way you present the content is what is causing them to lose interest!

To explain this more precisely, let’s consider the content types. People consume content in various formats like text, infographics, videos or even podcasts. 

Every form of content works in its own way to meet the customers’ needs. When considering engaging your audience, Facebook or instagram feeds might be your best bet if social media is the primary medium where your audience spends their time. 

However if you find that people are likely visiting your site for tips or information about your product, then developing a blog could provide them with exactly what they’re searching for and keep them coming back for more. 

In terms of branding and brand loyalty, taking advantage of video would be the best choice. Video content has made a big splash lately because it offers a way to create more personal connections with customers with the perfect blend of images and audio while providing all relevant information within seconds rather than minutes.

When you research and learn more about your users, you can come up with the perfect blend of content that satisfies your user’s needs. Yes, it’s a long process but worth the long run to gain authority. 

#7. Riches are in the niches

Irrespective of vertical, content has achieved its saturation point. Whatever query you search, you’ll get a similar answer because there’s so much competition—hundreds of brands talking about the same thing. 

It becomes harder to get an organic ranking for your targeted keywords in such cases. Going niche specific with your content to attract a particular target audience will be a wise move to overcome this. 

Here are a few reasons why you should niche down with your content

  1. It stands you out among the competition.
  2. It becomes easier to rank the Content on search engines. 
  3. Communication with a specific target audience makes customer conversion easier.

For eg, instead of just writing social media marketing trends, write a social media marketing strategy for the makeup industry. 

#6. Optimize content for voice search

Sample this. According to Statista, by 2024, the number of digital voice assistances (eg, Siri, Alexa), will touch around 8.4 billion units. This alone shows why you should pay special attention to voice-optimised content. Voice has already been hailed as the future of search and hence optimizing your content for voice will remain a top content marketing trend for 2022 and beyond.

As Google’s voice search becomes increasingly popular, we need to understand that voice search is different from a typed in query. Think of how you would talk and how would type in the same query. 

For eg:

Typed search: Dentists near me

Voice search: Who are the best dentists in my local area?

Note that the basic difference is that when we type, we tend to make our query around keywords. But when we use voice search, we tend to become more conversational and use more lengthy keywords to search, pushing searching engines to understand the meaning behind the word or semantic search. 

Here is how both are different. 

Image Source 

Over the years, Google has gotten stronger and stronger with semantic search, ensuring it understands 

the intent behind the meaning of the words used in voice search. And that is why it becomes extremely important to know how to optimize your content for voice search, or else you stand to lose out on all the traffic that voice searches drive. 

A point to remember here: The results appearing for voice searches are usually very direct, prompt, and very close to the point. A majority of answers are shown through rich snippets and knowledge graphs.

Key strategies to optimize for voice search

Focus how on rich answers – Rich answers are quick and concise search results that Google shows through knowledge graphs, featured snippets, knowledge box. If you can prepare your content for rich answers, your content is most likely to be picked up for voice search queries.

Focus on long-tail keywords and phrases – Find what are the best long-tail keyword clusters that can be used along with filler words.

Focus on FAQs and question keywords – Use tools to find what are FAQs related to your category, and what are the question keywords.

Focus on local search – Most voice searches are related to local queries, hence make sure you incorporate local keywords in your content. Understand questions that local people might ask in your business category.

Focus on being mobile friendly – It’s all about user experience remember, so make sure your website is mobile friendly and is optimized for people using voice search. 

#5. Video content, the real hack of Content Marketing

Video is the most preferred choice for content consumption. A video keeps your ears engaged, eyes engaged, and brain engaged with the information. Plus, it makes it easier for the brain to process information. Articles with videos also tend to rank higher. 

A report by InVideo shows, in 2020, 96% of consumers have increased their online video consumption and 9 out of 10 viewers want to see more videos from brands & businesses. 

In addition, it has been estimated that in 2022, the average person will spend 100 minutes per day watching videos. Therefore, this is one content marketing trend – video content marketing –  you just cannot ignore. 


Handpicked Content:

Top 7 video marketing practices for business success 

The 3 main steps of video production: A short guide

#4. Interactive continues to rock

We all know this. There are a million pieces being published every day. Audiences have become blind to standard content. And so, your audience is most likely not interested in your blog or video, unless they are looking for something particular. 

Interactive content works precisely because its allows the customers to interact differently with the brand. Interactive content keeps the consumer engaged as it requires their active attention and hence makes a long-lasting impression. It’s more fun, its more interesting, and its more engaging, and hence it directly affects sales conversion & revenue generation. 

Here are types of interactive content formats that can be created for your content marketing campaign

a. Quizzes, polls, games, surveys – This not only helps in generating loads of first-party data (this can be used for deciding what kind of content should be created for your audience in future), but also keeps your audience engaged by testing their knowledge on a particular topic. Eversince Buzzfeed made quizzes popular, a lot of brands have been successfully embracing this type of content. 

b. Calculators – A great tool to attract more users to your website and make them stay longer. Largely used by the BFSI sector, it is an extremely good for the middle of the funnel stage where  you want customers to come back to your website. 

c. Videos – Videos are anyway engaging, but you can make them even engaging by making them interactive. These work amazingly in the bottom of the funnel when you want to delight the customer by giving him something to remember and push him down to purchase. For eg, take a look at Harvard’s interactive virtual tour of their campus. 

Image Source

d. Ebooks and Case studies and Infographics – You can make each of these more engaging by adding elements of interactivity. 

e. Product Recommendation Quizzes – If you have bought through Amazon or any major ecommerce website, you must have answered these questions. These basically are designed to understand what you like and prefer, and then offer you recommendations based on your feedback. 

f. Assessments or Questionnaire – Another interactive content type which works extremely well. This content type works on creating assessments for readers like this – 

g. Webinars – Post pandemic, webinars have become big hits in drawing audience attention. They are excellent lead magnates, esp for B2B businesses, and work tremendously work in the middle of the funnel stage. 

Editor’s Note. And yes, just because its interactive content, don’t forget to track the results & insights to see how its working. Also a good way to start is by repurposing old content.

#3. Want to be Google’s favourite? Adhere to EAT guidelines

Google has always focussed on providing the best answers for its search queries. That means, page quality matters and so does page content. Google made this clear when it put out the E-A-T concept in its search quality guidelines in 2014. 

It meant that while ranking a page, Google’s search quality evaluators would also be taking into consideration the below 3 factors – 

E – Expertise of the person creating the main content

A – Authority of the content creator, the content created and the website where it was being published. 

T – Trustworthiness of the content creator, the content created and the website where it was being published.


If you are in the health and “Your Money Your Life” category (for eg heath, beauty, vehicles, financial transactions, law, jobs and education, hobby and leisure, arts and entertainment, computers and electronics, food and groceries, retailers and merchandise, home and garden, sports and fitness, internet and telecom, finance, apparel, travel and tourism), then you should take special care of the E-A-T guidelines. If you are not, even then you should try and heed the E-A-T search quality guidelines.

How to incorporate the E-A-T guidelines while creating content 

Make sure that the main content of the website and the main content of each of the pages are aligned to each other. They cannot be dissimilar. For eg, if you are website is about health, and you have a page on 

Get experts to write for the category you belong to. If you cannot get them to write, you can take their interviews and use that in your content. 

Build good links to your site, since it matters which website is linking back to you.

One thing you can always ensure is create content that is linkworthy. Do not put out content on your website just for the sake of it. 

Think 10X growth content. How can you put out content that establishes your authority. 10X means 10 times better than what has already been published by your competitors. If someone has written “25 ways to get a great blog” write about 100 ways. 

questions for creating content

Main questions to ask while creating content 

Is the content created from the point of view of an expert? Is this trustable? Do you have reasons to make sure that company is eligible to give such information? Can someone get in trouble if he or she took this advice.

Does your content creation company or brand have the authoritativeness in your space? Are you creating content that can influence the thoughts of people? How does the content created push up or pull down that authority?

Is the content created trustworthy and reliable? Are you ensuring that people can trust the content they are reading?

You might want to check this out: Google’s Search Quality Raters: Here is What They Say About High-Quality Pages and Content

#2. AI, the game-changer in Content Marketing 

Today’s marketers spend hours strategizing, researching, designing and creating content for the audience. AI is just going to make that more simpler by helping marketers collect data, mine that data and create content based on that data, more effectively and efficiently. 

Here is why AI is going to become an important Content Marketing Trend.

  • Help create larger amounts of content more efficiently 

As the need for content keep increasing and the competition to rank on page 1 of SERPs gets higher and higher, we need tools that will help us understand what to include in our content that will help us rank higher, or create content faster. And that is what AI tools have done. If actually writing the content, to helping you with data to rank higher, AI tools are here to stay. They cannot possible overtake the human brain’s expertise in writing great content, but they come very close to being a very helpful efficient who provides the right tips to do the writing job.

  • Extract data real time, and understand your audience better

A big part of a content marketer’s job is to know what type of content is working, and what is not and how to create content that is based on what the audience likes. With AI tools, content creators can create content that is finely aligned to what their target audience wants. This is done by understanding the audience behaviour and choices made. With focussed-targeting, AI can help marketers create content that will drive better engagement and sales. 

  • Data mining on social media and create more personalised content 

With the average individual spending almost 2 hours on social media daily, it makes sense to understand your target audience’s behaviour on social media. For eg, what are they preferring to read, who are they following, who do they trust, what brands are they liking and so much more. This is where AI can help by social media data-mining and analysis which can give you valuable customer insights. The better you understand your customer, and her choices, sentiments, and behaviour, the more personalised you can offer your content. In effect, you serve content that helps in pushing more leads down the sales funnel. 

How AI is helping content marketing more efficient

  • Chatbots (think Facebook Messenger) mimic real conversations to offer fast answers to customers, making 24/7 interaction possible.
  • Insights and research are helping content creators develop a better content strategy and content that is more engaging and rank-worthy. 
  • Helping content creation become faster, by shrinking research time.  
  • Offering predictive analysis for marketers to offer content that is more aligned to each stage of the buyer’s journey.  
AI content

#1. Create UGC to build brand credibility 

According to a report named State of UGC Content in 2022, published by a marketing company called Tint, UGC content is a must-have nowadays, especially if you are in ecommerce.

One significant fact mentioned here is that 76% of shoppers had bought of product because someone recommended it. Personalized shopping experience is at its peak now, and the more you can give that, the more customers you get.

Also, user generated content of UGC is always considered more authentic and credible than a slick advertisement.

Review and recommendations are anyday considered more credible than a great ad, since that is a brand talking about its own product. 

So basic conclusion is, UGC has been a major content trend before and will remain to dominate the content scene.

Here are the benefits of user generated content and why helps drive sales. 

a) Consumers believe in UGC  

Did you know that 9 out of 10 customers (that is 89%) globally check reviews before buying a product. So if you are leaving UGC, you are losing sales. 

This means that UGC is not only central to the buying process but also ranks very high in content that customers trust and believe. Also 79% customers trusted online reviews to personal recommendations. If you are running an online business, you should immediately include your clients reviews of recommendations on your website. Remember how you get swayed by customer reviews on Amazon? Well that’s that. People TRUST other buyer reviews more than they trust a great ad done by your brand. Bottom line – UGC content is considered more authentic and trustworthy. 

b) UGC helps build brand trust

Trust is an important currency when it comes to sales. If your customer trusts your content, they will trust your brand. And UGC content is one of the best ways to earn that trust. The only thing to remember is that the reviews need to be authentic.

c) UGC helps increase customer engagement 

A Comscore study showed that customer engagement was 28% higher when a brand used UGC content in their various owned media channels like social media feeds, blogs, websites etc.

So do not forget to use atleast some form of UGC on these 3 platforms.

d) UGC helps in content creation at lesser cost

With more and more channels, you are required to create endless amount of content. UGC can be a cost-effective way to build that. And even better, it works more than non-UGC content. With fierce competition, and the need to be present on almost every channel and meet your customers where they are, having a well-thought out UGC content strategy can be extremely helpful for a brand. 

Here is a great example. To showcase its powerful camera, iPhone asked iPhone users to submit their best photos on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #ShotoniPhone. The top 10 winning pictures are showcased across billboards and Apple showrooms across some cities. Not only did this receive huge response, it became an online movement that has worked wonders for the brand. 

Prajwal Chougule’s winning macro photo shot on iPhone 13 Pro shows dewdrops on a spiderweb.

This one was shot by Prajwal Chougule, from Kolhapur, India. 

This is what the photographer had to say about this work of art. 

“I am a nature lover and love going on early morning walks with my iPhone 13 Pro. The ‘golden hour’ brings the best out of nature and is a photographer’s delight. Dewdrops on a spiderweb caught my attention, and I was fascinated by the way the dry spider silk formed a necklace on which the dew glistened like pearls. It felt like a piece of art on nature’s canvas.”

Reviews like this work miraculously for a brand that is trying to promote its product and yet letting its audience do all the talking. Do you want an iPhone for clicking pictures? Hell yes. 

e) UGC connects with millennials and Gen Z

Almost 35% of Gen Z’s believe that UGC content is more credible than brand content and are more likely to buy from a brand after viewing a positive authentic review from influencers. 

Around 70% of UGC content is consumed by millennials, who spend a lot of time on social media. And with the rise of ecommerce and social media, this is only going to rise. 

In short, invest in UGC content through – 

  • Social media 
  • Blogs
  • Videos
  • Reviews
  • Hashtag campaigns
UGC Pic Benefits

Content marketing strategy in 2022

No matter what the trends of each year are, its best to focus on what works for your target audience and business. While it’s good to keep a watch over the content marketing trends of 2022 or any year, and incorporate them in your content marketing strategy, do not lose focus of your audience. If you are a business which sells to senior citizens, then the latest social media channel might not work for you. Also, trends come and go, so do not base your entire content marketing strategy on what works only this year. So, check the trends and then build your content strategy based on what works for your buyers. 

Also, if you are already publishing content and getting a good flow of traffic, you are already on the right track. A good content marketing strategy is always built on a great understanding of your buyer type and the kind of content they like to consume at each stage of the buyer journey. However, it’s important to watch the content marketing trends of 2022 and beyond, since the trends always introduce you to new ideas and formats that you can get you that extra slice of traffic and revenue. Whatever it is, the base of the whole package is always creating a good story – top quality content. 

Hope you liked this piece and let us know which content marketing trend you have or will adopt this year.

About The Author

Payel Mukherjee

Payel dreams about travelling the world and relaxing in quaint beach cafes – when she is not helping brands find real growth through powerful content experiences. She loves waging the war against mediocre content marketing and is passionate about entrepreneurship and startups. She is also a Darjeeling tea junkie and the founder of Justwords.


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